Sunsplash will be hosted by Paradise Soccer Club Aug 1st-4th.
This year SunSplash will host U10-U13 teams. U10 will have A and B divisions. U11 will have A, B and C divisions. U12 will have one division, equivalent to NLSA Championship. U13 will have A,B and C divisions. Further explanatory notes for divisions can be found on the registration page.
Registration is online at http://sunsplashtournament.
Please note team names should be in the format Association Identification-Coaches Name (i.e. PSC-Smith).
Registration will close July 17th so please ensure that you register as soon as possible. As there are new divisions added to SunSplash this year, space may be limited and registration may close early. Payments can be made online via credit card or through EMT to the club ( If paying via EMT please ensure you note the team name as per above is identified in the memo.
Questions on SunSplash can be sent to